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The Productivity Architect

We help leaders earn discretionary effort from employees.

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Unleash Your Team's Inner Fire: Transforming Culture, Engagement, Leadership, and Sales Mastery with John Grubbs

Empower Your Sales Force with John Grubbs

For an unforgettable two decades, we've been the heartbeat of sales transformation. Are you searching for a way to empower your sales team with fearless hunters who can set their business passions ablaze? Are you ready to break free from the shackles of reliance on connections and dive into a world of raw, unstoppable drive for your sales force? We offer you the key to unlock their full potential.

Why Choose Our Sales Training?

Hunting isn't just a skill; it's a primal, pulsating journey. Far too often, sales representatives find refuge in their charm and connections, but what happens when the music stops? Our eLearning series isn't just training; it's a wild, untamed dance of passion, resilience, and unwavering determination, tailor-made for your sales team's success. Empower Your Sales Team with the Primal Essence of Sales Excellence! Click here or delve into the image below.

wolf sales image

Click to learn more about Sales Training

Give your sales team the skills to deliver new business!

Leadership Training

John helps teams take total ownership with improved communication, accountability and trust.

Team Culture

John works with teams to design and improve organizational culture.

Team Coaching

John works with teams all over the world to become more effective.


Executive Coaching

Peer Groups


Most Popular Learning Engagements

Because your team needs long-term training to be effective

 Total Ownership as a Leader Series
  • No Bad Teams; Only Bad Leaders
  • Communication Excellence
  • Building an Accountable Culture
  • Creating and Maintaining Team Trust

Wolf Sales Training Series
  • Engineers and Technicians
  • Skills-based Training
  • Master Negotiation
  • Inside or Outside Sales

Advanced Leadership Series
  • Advanced Skills
  • Culture by Design
  • Executive Team Development
  • Impact Players
  • Top Grading
  • High Performance

John's Calendar is filling fast

His proven methods are in high demand for business growth and profitability.

Book John Today

John's Books

From a different sales approach to leadership, John Grubbs has authored books and guides designed to take your organization to the next level!

Book Cover - Surviving the Talent Exodus
Surviving the Talent Exodus

Click here to learn about Surviving the Talent Exodus - Navigate the Perfect Storm for Generational Change in the Workplace.

Book Cover - Leading the Lazy
Leading the Lazy

As millennials flood the workforce, the rules of business are in constant flux.

My Time to Lead Blog

Read the latest news and useful tips posted regularly by John in his leadership blog.

Stress and adaptive learning
Use Stress and Social Learning to Build High-Performance Teams

Positive stress promotes growth in life. Too many executives are fearful or ignorant about the benefits of creating stress as a path toward higher performance. In today’s fast-paced and complex work environments, achieving high performance from teams and team members is paramount. Senior leaders are crucial in shaping the environment and dynamics that foster this performance. Two powerful concepts are social learning and adaptive stress. When effectively integrated, these strategies can drive exceptional outcomes, fostering a culture of continuous improvement, resilience, and collaboration.

Fulfilling existence
Unveiling Your Potential to Sculpt a Fulfilling Life

In their seminal work, The Art of Possibility, Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander offer a transformative perspective on how individuals can redefine their lives to achieve their true potential. At the core of their philosophy is the idea that life is a construct—a creation of our own, shaped by our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. Much like a block of stone, this construct holds immense potential waiting to be unveiled. By chipping away at limiting beliefs and societal expectations, we can reveal our inner beauty and craft a life that aligns with our definitions of success and happiness.

Driving will end
Generation Z’s Grandchildren Will No Longer Drive (Much)

As we look toward the future, one of the most profound changes on the horizon is the transformation of personal transportation. For Generation Z, born between the late 1990s and early 2010s, driving symbolizes independence and freedom. However, their grandchildren are poised to experience a very different reality. The rapid advancement and proliferation of autonomous vehicles, controlled by sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI), are set to revolutionize transportation, making driving an optional skill rather than a necessity.


Contact John

Don't hesitate to ask us questions! Fill in the form below and we will respond you shortly! We value any feedback!


John Grubbs
911 W. Loop 281 Suite 211-6
Longview, Texas 75604

