I want to personally wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Use this acronym to make others remember your message. SUCCESs
I recently heard that nine percent of the business world is in sales. In the last two years, sales experienced significant technology changes due to the pandemic. TQ (technology acumen) is now a differentiator among sales professionals. Sales skills are more critical than ever as more entrepreneurs enter the business world to sell products and services. The term sales professional is more diluted than ever before. What does all this mean for you and your sales team? How can you position your company to compete in a world full of business noise?
The need to be liked, also known as the disease to please, is not the same as being likeable. The need to be liked by others relates to the need for approval and affirmation. In a leadership position, this can portend disaster and failure when a leader believes being liked by followers is the gateway to getting supported or accomplishing the team's objectives. It is better to be respected than liked. I have coached many leaders about this distinction.
It is time to stop making excuses for intolerant jerks who use threats and intimidation to get work completed for your organization. You were able to hide your bad supervisors and managers in the past. No longer! The great resignation is now surfacing bad leadership because employees have choices. Overlay the dominant millennial generation and the emergence of Gen Z on the current corporate landscape, and bad leadership is the root of all your current talent problems.
Many job advertisers seek experience in the job as a prerequisite for qualification. Is this a mistake or an attempted shortcut to avoid the heavy lift that comes with training a new employee? Is experience the best answer when it comes to adding talent to your team? With today’s transitional workforce and the great resignation upon us, are too many employers relying on experience at the expense of acquiring the best talent available? These are loaded questions.
We have all hired that person that looked good on paper and interviewed well but did not turn out as expected. How do we undo this mistake? You went to the board and made the pitch, but alas, they did not perform. Or worse, they have changed into someone that is no longer the person you hired. What now?
The 3-part framework of the challenger sale model (2011) is to teach, tailor, and take control of the buying journey. The idea of teaching during the buying experience is not new. However, the days of buyers learning about your product or service directly from the sales representative are practically over. In the 1970s, buyers would travel to local dealerships to learn the latest features about the car they were interested in purchasing. The sales rep was the teacher.
It is 5:46 am, and you make the daily walk to the restroom. As you shake the morning cobwebs from your mind, you think about the conversation you are avoiding with your sales manager. You feel the guilt of knowing this discussion needs to happen ahead of today’s sales meeting and the truth that you are avoiding a crucial conversation. Cognitive dissonance rears its ugly head once again, and you look for ways to rationalize your way out of the confrontation you know is necessary. These are the things we don’t talk about.
I have always believed and often teach the virtues of hiring the best person for the job. My naivety has also made me think that most “right-minded” managers agree with this simple premise. Organizational talent is the best indicator of long-term success in the game of business. The team with the best players will win the most games. Blah, blah, blah!
Leslie leaves her job after 18 years for another that pays about the same amount of money. Raymond leaves his new job of six months for another job that pays 50 cents an hour more with a longer commute. Sarah is looking for a job in another field. She is tired of the negativity at her current firm. What do these three have in common? They all did not feel appreciated at work.
A lack of awareness is common when it comes to the perceptions of your followers. Do they see you as a leader? This insightful question determines your location on the scale between manager and leader. You can be the boss and not have followers. In other words, people can do what you expect and still not consider you as their leader. Having worked with thousands of supervisors, managers, and executives for over two decades, I have seen one thing move the needle the most when becoming the leader among followers. This one thing seems to be consistent yet elusive to many on the journey toward the leader.