Are you looking for industry experience when hiring? If so, I plan to challenge your thinking and hope to change your mind when we finish this time together. A friend of mine named Scott Hardegree introduced me to a concept called G.A.S. regarding the people we hire and retain at work. G.A.S. is an acronym for Gives A S@!t. Scott and I are ex-military, so the language is less offensive. For this intellectual work, I toned things down. We were deep in a conversation when he shared this gem, and the language is too sticky not to share it with you.
I watched a documentary about Nolan Ryan last night called Facing Nolan. In case you don't recognize the name. Ryan is the only pitcher in AL/NL history with at least 5,000 strikeouts. He was a right-handed pitcher who consistently threw pitches clocked above 100 miles per hour (161 km/h). He maintained this velocity throughout his pitching career. Ryan was also known to throw a devastating 12–6 curveball at exceptional speed for a breaking ball. Ryan is the all-time leader in no-hitters with seven, three more than any other pitcher. Did you know his career almost did not happen?
This subject is challenging in many organizations. It is complicated and full of traps and pitfalls. Do you transition your best sales rep into a manager? What does this cost the organization in lost sales? What if a great sales rep is a terrible manager? Are you hoping a good sales rep can teach other sales reps how to be successful? What if the sales rep makes less money as a manager? Is this a promotion? There are some revealing statistics regarding this topic at the end!
Why should anyone work for you? Learning how to become the employer of choice can be challenging. Just like the baby boomers before, the younger workforce will have a significant impact on the workplace. First, not all employees are the same, and many consider themselves different from each other. With Gen Z entering the workforce, everything is more challenging. Following are quotes from today's younger employees:
I fell in love with music at a very young age. My mom said I could repeat song lyrics from the time I was three years old. When I got older, I loved sneaking into her bedroom and playing her record albums. One of my favorites was and still is Simon and Garfunkel Live at Central Park. An iconic song from that album is The Sound of Silence, which was released in 2015 as a haunting cover by the band Disturbed.
This week we're addressing the fundamental, foundational behaviors which, when practiced consistently, enable you to live at your fullest potential. These foundational behaviors are breathing, sleeping, eating and moving. That seems like a big DUH doesn't it? We all do them daily after all.
Most of us have heard the old axiom, begin with the end in mind. Create a vision for what you want and go after it. But what if that is all wrong? What if having a picture of what you wish blinds you to opportunities along the way? Can we be so focused on one outcome that we miss others that appear in our path?
Edward took over as branch manager of this bank eight months ago. He is new to town and this particular branch but not new to the company. He has been an assistant branch manager with success, and his promotion to branch manager at this bank is long overdue. A previous manager taught him how to run an efficient and profitable business enterprise during his tenure as assistant manager.
I believe winning is a basic human desire built into our grand design. I think the quest for winning is tied to the quest for survival. After all, if you're faster than the next guy you might take down that wooly mammoth or buffalo and your family would eat. Granted we may not be hunting wooly mammoths or buffalo these days, but deep down we all love to win.
In 1965, a psychologist named Bruce Tuckman developed a well known model that captures the various stages of team development. Tuckman’s five stages of team development include forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning. Each one of these five stages of team development represents a step towards developing your team, aligning it towards your vision and completing the team objective.
No matter how 2022 impacted you, it is not over. Whether it brought you the birth of a new family member or the passing of a loved one, the rest of the year is upon us. We can choose to look backward or forward. I can be sad about the past, or I can look forward to the next season in my life without youth sports. We like to cling to the past and the nostalgia accompanying those memories. The following story by Dr. Wilson provides perspective.
Preston is already late for work and feels stressed by the fresh Monday morning upon him. He decides to stop for coffee anyway. The five-mile drive to his office seems more like fifty. He is in his seventh month as production supervisor, and it feels like seven years. "How did it get this bad so fast?" he thinks. He used to love his job and his life. He is twenty-nine years old with a three-year-old baby boy at home. His relationship with his wife, Cindy, is excellent. And yet, he is so miserable. That faint yet undeniable sick feeling is coming back, and he ponders whether he needs to vomit again today.