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Leading the Tribes: “Win the War Against Transactional Management”

It is the end of the world as we know it at work. If we are not changing and adapting we are getting left behind. Today’s employee is different in so many fascinating ways. Today’s employee wants to belong to something special - a tribe at work. Seth Godin legitimized our tribal tendencies in his book “Tribes – 2008”. Today our tendency to form tribes has been enhanced by social media and a strong desire to remain connected to each other at all times. This morning I walked into a fast food chain to order a breakfast sandwich. The store was relatively empty as I was between the breakfast and lunch rush. I walked into the restroom (the door was propped open) and a store employee was standing by the door interacting on his mobile phone. When I walked up to the counter, another employee was texting on her mobile phone below the cash register as she began to take my order. These two young people belong to several tribes. Electronic tribes through social media are no less important in the moment than family and work tribes at other times. More than likely this well-known food chain has policies that prohibit such actions, yet these two were both willing to risk trouble in order to remain connected to their tribes.

  • 06/27/2016
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4 Ways to Ruin Our Children as Parents

Millennials and emerging Generation Zers are proving to be products of contemporary parenting styles. Parenting can certainly be complex. We all make mistakes and learn as we go. Following are the four parents we want to avoid becoming since they limit our children's chance for success when they leave the nest:

  • 06/15/2016
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Dear Hiring Manager We Are Confused!

I am confused about your frequent complaints regarding the availability of talented people for your organization. You complain that good workers are difficult to find. Help me understand your position and perspective because I just cannot understand your logic. Currently, there are people on your team who do not perform, do not show up, and do not appreciate the job they are asked to complete. Yet you cannot seem to find the desire or ability to remove them from your team. What gives?

  • 04/25/2016
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12 Powerful Questions to Check Your Organization's Toxicity

Toxic managers may be aware of their toxicity, yet they believe their past achievements and reputation are a justification for the methods they employ. This denial is common for experienced managers who have never been confronted about leadership vs. management. In other words, a marginally successful manager may be an incompetent leader. Settling for mediocrity is more common than we like to admit. Leaders fear many factors that eventually paralyze them to remove a toxic manager. Market availability of talent, location, salary, and other factors result in organizations settling for the “devil they know” rather than the one they might hire.

  • 04/01/2016
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4 Fascinating Reasons Facebook May Fade

In my last book, Surviving the Talent Exodus, I predicted that Facebook might become a permanent communication medium in our lives. Today, I communicate with some business connections faster and more often through Facebook. However, as the growth of Facebook slows down, I am starting to notice interesting realities that might indicate Facebook is mortal after all. Not unlike his ancestor MySpace, Facebook is indeed vulnerable. Without significant adaptation, Facebook may also become less significant in our lives. This devaluation could become the fertile soil for something new. As fast as we adapted to Facebook, we could just as quickly adapt to the next interesting twist for social media. So what exactly is threatening Facebook as we speak? The answers are both obvious and subtle. These speculations are likely taking place in boardroom discussions at the now publically owned entity we call Facebook. If they are not being discussed with significant regularity, Facebook will be difficult to sustain. Here are some questions to consider about Facebook’s future.

  • 03/10/2016
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Lady Smiling
4 Simple Ways to Lead Like a Rockstar

Teaching supervisors to be more than the one-dimensional “superoperator” (superoperators are simply the best at what they did prior to accepting a new role as boss) of the past requires work and repetition, along with a desire to improve. The position of frontline supervisor, more than any other, can make or break retention goals for any organization. I have discovered some simple strategies that can be taught. With practice and encouragement, supervisors can improve retention for their organization.

  • 02/22/2016
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John Grubbs Blue Suit
10 Reasons Millennials Are Leaving Your Organization

As a student of organizational leadership, I analyze the similarities and special characteristics that differentiate one company from another. What makes one organization shine while others seem so content with remaining average? The most likely answer is fear, but the complete answer is, of course, much more complex. Fear of failure transcends the spectrum of our awareness. There is comfort and even safety in the mediocrity of our existence. Therefore, what it takes to leave the comfort of the pack becomes rare.

  • 02/08/2016
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Lady Holding Files
The College Paradox – Are we Sending the Wrong Message?

While I am a strong advocate and firm believer in higher education, it seems to me that we created a culture today that makes a child feel like a failure if they do not complete a four year degree in something. As a result, I am seeing millennials chase a diploma that may limit their opportunities for success upon completion. At the same time many are being saddled with extremely high debt to pay for the education they never intended to use.

  • 01/28/2016
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Are Millennials Too Young to Lead?

I am seeing more and more aspiring young leaders in the training classes I provide for successful organizations. Collectively, managers need to be prepared for a new approach to this high-pressure position. Millennials are quick to learn and eager to compete for the positions being vacated by the boomers, and their early success rate may just surprise you.

  • 01/14/2016
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John press photo in blue #1
Leading the Lazy Chapter Six - Bad Supervisors and Body Odor

Business today no longer rewards the stable company or employee; now it’s those who take risks who achieve success. So what makes your organization stand out from your competitors? Why would an innovative thinker want to work for you? Leading the Lazy teaches you how to modify your leadership style so you can maximize distinctive productivity that keeps your business moving at the forefront of the market. As you learn the art of being anti-ordinary, you will begin to see why commonness is one of the most significant enemies you face. Discover why you must develop intolerance for the ordinary and how you can create a multigenerational workforce culture that stimulates and supports continuous change. Millennials are flooding the workforce and are resisting the standards left over from older generations. It’s a new world, and it’s time to make new rules—are you up for the challenge?

  • 09/29/2015
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Leading the Lazy book cover
Leading the Lazy is released - get your copy now!

To be successful in today’s business world you must blaze your own trail and learn how to lead other innovators in a workplace culture that is spurred by change.

  • 08/31/2015
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millennials in the workplace
Too Young to Lead? Millennials are Changing Supervision and Technology!

The generation labeled as “lazy” by some and “brilliant” by others bring a blank experience canvas to the leadership positions they are being offered. They are not infected with negativity nor toxic leadership experiences as generations of the past have been. As a result, they tend to more positive, open-minded, and eager to learn what it takes to become a successful leader in the workplace. Even more amazing is their quick recognition of the old stereotypes that really never worked but were so readily tolerated by management of the past.

  • 07/08/2015
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