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Busy Lazy
Laziness and Busyness are Two Sides of the Same Coin

It's a tale as old as time. The busy people furiously running around, scowling at the lazy people lounging around. "Look at these useless slackers!" thinks the active person. "I don't know how they live with themselves!". Meanwhile, the lazy person looks up from their TV show just long enough to think, "Wow, those people need to relax. All that rushing around for what?". Both types sit in judgment of the other, yet they have more in common than meets the eye. They are two sides of the same rusted coin. If only the busy person slowed down enough to see their shared roots with the couch potato they disparage! Alas, self-reflection is hard when you're oh so busy. As the Zen master once said, "You judge others for the flaws you share the most." Now, if only someone would pass those wisdom nuggets on to the busy bees of the world along with their morning triple shot espresso. But the lazy folk know better than to come between a busybody and their bustle. And so the comedy continues.

  • 11/07/2023
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Introverts in sales
10 Reasons Introverts Excel at Sales: Why Introverts Have Hidden Strengths in Sales

With plentiful preparation, persistence, and playing to their natural strengths, introverts can far surpass noisy extroverts in sales results. By harnessing their innate talents for listening, researching, and developing expertise at their own pace, introverts are perfect for sales success. Introversion can seem like a disadvantage in sales, but introverts' reflective, inward-turning nature grants unique advantages that make them incredible salespeople.

  • 10/30/2023
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The Frontline Supervisor's Critical Role in Employee Engagement

Engaged employees feel passionate about their work and make extra effort to support organizational success. But fostering engagement doesn't happen by accident. Frontline supervisors play a pivotal role in their daily interactions with staff. Supervisors can ignite engagement that drives productivity, innovation, loyalty, and bottom-line results by cultivating trust, recognizing achievements, and enabling growth. Here's how:

  • 10/17/2023
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Mental Strength
Finding Strength In Adversity

In the realm of psychology and trauma recovery, the concept of Post-Traumatic Growth (PTG) has gained significant attention in recent years. At the forefront of this groundbreaking idea is Professor Stephen Joseph, a renowned psychologist and researcher, whose work has shed light on the potential for personal growth and transformation following traumatic experiences.

  • 09/25/2023
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weakness as strength
Your Weakness May be Your Greatest Strength as a Leader

In the ever-evolving world of business, success often hinges on navigating complex challenges, making informed decisions, and inspiring teams to perform at their best. However, amidst the pursuit of perfection and professionalism, a fascinating psychological phenomenon exists known as the Pratfall Effect. Coined by social psychologist Elliot Aronson, the Pratfall Effect suggests that a leader's vulnerability or occasional mistakes can enhance their perceived competence and likability. In this article, we will delve into the concept of the Pratfall Effect in the context of business and explore strategies for leaders to harness their power to improve team performance.

  • 09/21/2023
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The Rise of The Blue-Collar Worker: A Decade of Ascending Status and Reward

The 2020s have ignited a remarkable revolution in the labor landscape, triggering a seismic shift in the status and compensation of blue-collar workers while casting a shadow over white-collar jobs tethered to conventional four-year degrees. This transformative era is occurring due to many factors, including technological innovations, the evolving skill spectrum, and the burgeoning significance of high-value aptitudes over traditional diplomas.

  • 09/15/2023
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tolerate excuses
The Paradox of Excuse Tolerance among Executives: An In-depth Analysis

In the fast-paced and high-pressure business world, executives face challenges and setbacks that can hinder achieving their goals. In such circumstances, the response to excuses becomes critical to the organization's success. Surprisingly, executives frequently tolerate excuses from their employees despite the potentially harmful implications for productivity and accountability. This paradoxical behavior begs the question: Why do executives accept excuses? This article delves into the complex reasons behind this phenomenon, examining the psychology, organizational dynamics, and potential benefits associated with the tolerance of excuses in executive settings.

  • 08/28/2023
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8 jungle
Jungle Phases of Startup Businesses: Navigating the Wild Path to Success

Knowing the stages helps entrepreneurs anticipate what's ahead. Each phase comes with its unique challenges and opportunities. Awareness of these stages allows business owners to mentally, emotionally, and strategically prepare, reducing the shock factor and enabling more effective decision-making.

  • 08/25/2023
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Small thinking
Finding Your Inner Voice to Overcome Small Thinking

Finding your inner voice can be a transformative journey in a world filled with noise and distractions. This journey becomes particularly crucial when we seek to overcome the limitations of small thinking. Small thinking is the self-imposed confinement of our thoughts and aspirations within the boundaries of what seems familiar and comfortable. It's the voice that whispers, "You can't," "It's too hard," or "It's not for you." However, discovering and nurturing your inner voice can be the key to unlocking a world of boundless possibilities, enabling you to transcend the constraints of small thinking.

  • 08/18/2023
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Thriving Through Trials: The Transformative Power of Hormesis for Businesses and Visionary Leaders

Hormesis, a concept derived from toxicology and biology, describes a phenomenon where exposure to low or moderate stressors or challenges can stimulate beneficial adaptive responses in living organisms. While traditionally applied in biological contexts, the principle of hormesis holds valuable lessons for businesses and business leaders. Embracing controlled doses of challenges and stressors can lead to enhanced resilience, innovation, and growth. This article explores the concept of hormesis, its relevance to businesses, and its benefits to business leaders.

  • 08/10/2023
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Why Do We Misjudge Others? Understanding Fundamental Attribution Error

The fundamental attribution error (FAE), also known as the correspondence bias or attribution effect, is a cognitive bias that influences how individuals perceive and interpret the behavior of others. Coined by social psychologists Lee Ross and Richard Nisbett in 1977, the FAE refers to the tendency of people to overemphasize dispositional or personality-based explanations for the actions of others while underestimating situational factors. This article explores the origins, key concepts, real-life examples, and implications of a fundamental attribution error, shedding light on human judgment and decision-making complexities.

  • 08/04/2023
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Letting go
The Art of Letting Go: When to Part Ways with a Mediocre Employee

In every organization, the pursuit of excellence is crucial for sustained success. However, this pursuit can sometimes be hindered by mediocre employees. Handling underperforming staff is one of the most challenging tasks for any manager or business owner. While firing an employee is never an easy decision, it is necessary to maintain a high-performing and cohesive team. Let's explore the signs that indicate it might be time to part ways with a mediocre employee and the importance of a fair and supportive approach to handling such situations.

  • 07/25/2023
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