John Grubbs - When Training Matters

Helping Companies Rethink, Recover & Refocus on the Future

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Make Work

A recent study revealed that the key to human happiness is the ability to live in the moment and place less emphasis on the future and the past. Our obsessive preoccupation with the past or future is a significant burden that limits our happiness during life. The study indicates that our stress over past events and our worry about the future harm our current satisfaction. Furthermore, the ability to live in the current moment and search for the contentment of the present is a critical key to deliberate joy and happiness.

In business, these extremes become more amplified. Our need to learn from historical trends or undesirable events has made managers more preoccupied with blame than perspective. We have difficulty confronting the truth honestly for our organizations. Communication has become more filtered, and unfiltered honesty is exceedingly rare. Accountability is confused with blame, and trust is scarce among employees and organizational leaders.

Additionally, the over speculation about the future can be equally demoralizing for the team. The emotional strain created by the economic fluctuations can significantly kill morale and impact current productivity. The corporate fear of recession becomes lost productivity on the front lines. Wasted organizational energy over possibilities that may or may not occur becomes the "boat anchor" to productivity and profitability.

Though simple in concept, the answer is more challenging in the application. Emphasizing employee...

Tips to Make Work a Happy Place


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